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Q:  What do you call yourself?  What do you treat?


A:  I am a Holistic Life Coach & Spiritual Healer.
Along my journey I realized that in every Healing process there are bits of methods from the world of Life Coaching and vice versa, which I learned to combine together in order to make it whole. I offer work in the following areas: Spiritual Healing, Removing Emotional, Mind and Physical Blocks and Pain, in order to grow to a better self, more centered, focused, loved and at peace. Through the process we gently peel the layers in order for you to choose and touch your Inner Truth, your Inner wishes and dreams in order to make the healing complete from the root. This process is led by you and me together, and I am here to guide, reflect and keep you safe at all times. Along the process I offer Insights, Life Guidance and Clarity.


Q:  What do you mean by Spiritual Healing ? Isn't that the same as energy healing ?


A:  Energy Healing plays an important, though small part in the world of Spiritual Healing.
One who is naturally drawn to Energy healing will also be drawn to Spiritual healing, but they are different. While Energy healing ( Reiki / Biorgonomy / Theta Healing ) works to bring essential energy to an individual or rearrange her or his energies, Spiritual healing works to raise consciousness and helps mind and heart to “see” more clearly. Once the heart or mind sees different, it becomes different, therefore, I am concerned with your sight and your ability to search for your inner truth, and not only your energies. Once sight shifting begins, a person holds a higher state of presence and a true deep healing is taking place. ​



Q:  Where are you located?


A:  My physical location is in Kibbutz Maagan, Jordan Valley, Israel. Through the years I treat people all over the world in person or by phone and Skype.


Q:  I have a hard time believing that distance sessions are as effective as in person. Can you say more?


A:  All Healing starts within our hearts and works irrespective of time and space.
Energy and Spiritual Healing are very much like Radio waves. Distance is a construct of the mind. On the spiritual plan, distance is easily bridged, operating as if it doesn't exist at all. My clients in the U.K. and across the U.S. report as powerful experiences as those in person.
Also, I always recommend that ones will choose the appointment style (in person or remote) that feels right to them; this ensures a good foundation to build upon.


Q:  Do you treat children?


A:  Yes. I have treated many children and babies along the years, mainly with Reiki and Biorgonomy, which I found to be very effective for all sorts of issues like stomach blocks, growing teeth pain, eye infections etc. Also I treated In Person children with ADD and ADHD mainly with Music Therapy. All the treatments are with at least one parent present. Please contact me beforehand with the child’s age and full birth name and I will advise on whether to bring the child to me or to begin treatment remotely at first.


Q:  What if I don’t believe in your methods? Will your sessions still work?


A:  That is a very good question, and it has a very simple and surprising answer.
You don’t need to believe in me or in my methods, you just need to believe in yourself and your true motivation to heal. If a person is blocked, sick with a flu or god forbid, even Cancer, neither Doctors nor any kind of medicine will make any change for him unless he really and truly wants to heal. All healing processes start within us, and the deeper you are willing to dig, the closer to the roots of all blocks and problems you get, and this is where the ‘’Magic” suddenly appears. Children or babies, for example, don’t “believe” and yet we make tremendous progress with their healing process. The same principle is true for any kind of Coaching as well..I am here to guide and teach you in that journey. 



Q:  I’m so tired: I’ve seen so many healers. I know I need help, but I just haven’t seen the benefit from past efforts. Can you help?


A:  Please ask yourself, “Did I see all those people because I wanted to or because someone else wanted me to? Did I cave to some guilt, family, or societal expectation that I should get better? And search in yourself and you’ll likely find that the reasons for going to the healers weren't your own. There is no other way, it has to be a choice made by you and for you and your life ahead.


Q:  I have experienced some really bad trauma and nothing I do seems to help. Can one ever climb out of old severe trauma and abuse?


A:   Yes, many people have managed to heal from severe trauma, with the right Healer and process. 

By talking about it and touching your inner truth, you can heal any wound. And if that trauma is something that I am not qualified to treat, I will always be honest with you about it, and promise to help you to find the person who is.  



Q:  I’m a creative and free spirit person, and many times traditional forms of help did not resonate with me. I'm drawn to your work but don’t understand why or how it could help beyond other approaches.


A: I am a very creative person myself. Regardless of the work I do helping other people, I have the soul of a musician and a writer. Your heart draws you to me but maybe your mind creates storms of doubts. I have been working and helping many composers, painters, photographers, musicians, and all kinds of creative people. Many of them report tremendous change and openings of all kinds of blockage and I found that they resonate tremendously with my work.


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